Electronic Devices
Policy 8350
Prohibited Uses At School And School-related Activities
A. Students are prohibited from using privately-owned electronic devices during instructional time. Students are expected to keep their privately-owned electronic devices out of sight and on silent mode during times of prohibited use. Headphones/earbuds/airpods are not allowed in ears during times of prohibited use. Smart watches may be worn but applications on the watch may not be used during times of prohibited use.
1. Secondary students are prohibited from using privately-owned electronic devices during class time, locker rooms, and in restrooms.
B. The following prohibited uses of electronic devices applies to all district-owned and privately-owned electronic devices that are on district property, at a district-sponsored event, and/or are connected to district networks or district systems:
1. Electronic devices are prohibited from being used in ways that:
i. bully (including cyberbullying), humiliate, harass (including sexual harassment), or intimidate school-related individuals, including students, employees, and guests, consistent with Policy 4120 - Student Discrimination and Harassment; Policy 7100 - Personnel Harassment and Discrimination; and Policy 5201 - Bullying Policy;
ii. invade reasonable expectations of privacy of school-related individuals, including students, employees, and guests;
a. Electronic devices with the capacity to record, stream, or otherwise transmit images or audio may not be used at any time in any school location where a reasonable expectation of personal privacy exists.
These locations and circumstances include but are not limited to:
locker rooms, shower facilities, restrooms, and any other areas where students or others may change clothes or be in any stage or degree of disrobing or changing clothes;
private conversations and/or discussions between others not a party to the conversation and/or discussion; and
at any time without the consent of the person/s being filmed.
iii. disrupt the educational environment and/or instructional time;
iv. conduct unethical activities, such as cheating on assignments/tests;
Students are prohibited from filming fights, assaults, or physical aggression ("altercation" of any kind that occurs at school or a school-related event, even with consent from one of the persons involved in the altercation.
Students are prohibited from accessing inappropriate content on the Internet and the world wide web while using district equipment, services, or connectivity whether on or off school property.
i. The use of electronic devices to access or disseminate inappropriate matter on district-owned electronic devices or privately-owned electronic devices on school property, at school-sponsored events, or using school connectivity may have criminal, and or student disciplinary consequences, and if appropriate, may be reported to law enforcement.
V. Permitted Uses At School And School-related Activities
Students may use privately-owned electronic devices before and after school, during transition periods, and during lunch breaks.
Students may use electronic devices despite restricted uses by a school when authorized pursuant to an Individualized Education Program (IEP), a Section
504 Plan, or a Health Care Plan.
C. The use of electronic devices may be prohibited by students during state and federally-mandated tests and assessments unless specifically allowed by law, an IEP, a Section 504 Accommodation Plan, a Health Care Plan, or testing/assessment Instruction.
Vi. Student Violations
A. Violations by accessing privately-owned devices during instructional time will result in the following consequences:
Violation Procedure: Electronic Device will be given to the classroom teacher and remain with the classroom teacher until the end of the class period. Teacher will look at WFHS Student Electronic Device Phone Tracking System to see if the Electronic Device needs to be brought to the office (offense 2-4).
Second Violation: Device will be confiscated by the teacher and/or administrator and brought to the main office. The electronic device shall remain in the possession of the school administration or office staff until the end of the school day. It will then be given back to the student at the end of the school day. The administrator will notify the parent/guardian of the student's violation.
Third Violation: Confiscation of the electronic device to the school administration and/or main office staff. The administrator/office staff shall notify the parent/guardian of the student's violation. The electronic device shall remain in the possession of the school administration until picked up by the parent/guardian.
Subsequent Violations: Students who are repeat offenders of this policy shall be subject to the imposition of any appropriate disciplinary action, which may include in school suspension, out of school suspension, and or not allowing the student to bring personal electronic devices into the school for an extended period of time.
5. Studensand/dietrent guardians, as en liable are s days ed to dame it was relinquished. The administration is not liable (per Section VII of this policy), financially or otherwise, for any unclaimed electronic device after this time period.
6. Students who refuse to allow their electronic devices to be confiscated for violations may be disciplined for insubordination. Teachers who are unable to confiscate a phone will contact administration immediately.
D. Violations of section IV.B. will result in disciplinary action in accordance with Policy 5200, Policy 5201, Policy 4120, and Policy 4121, and may be referred to law enforcement if the conduct involves criminal activity.
Viii. Risk Of Loss
Student's privately-owned devices are susceptible to loss, theft, and damage.
WHS is not responsible for the security or safekeeping of personal electronic devices and is not financially responsible for their loss, theft, and/or damage.
Students who bring electronic devices to school do so at their own risk.