
WSD Policy 4170

1. Absences: Five absences in any class during any term will result in a loss of .25 units of attendance credit in each class involved. Allowances may be made for pre-arranged absence, students experiencing a long term illness, or absences incurred for circumstances beyond the student's control. Absences will appear on the portal daily so that students and parents can keep track of a student's attendance.

  1. Parent excused absence: A parent or guardian must call the attendance secretary within 5 school days of an absence to excuse the absence.
    Absences must be excused in order for the student to make up any work missed.

  2. Tardies: Attendance credit will be lost if the student has 5 or more tardies in any class during the quarter.

  3. Truancy: Truancy is defined as a condition in which a school age child, without a valid excuse, is absent for at least half of the school day. Two truancies in any class will result in the loss of attendance credit.

Absences - Pre-Arranged:

If parents request to have their student excused from school for 3 days or longer, for a reason other than illness or family emergencies, arrangements need to be made in advance. Students pick up and complete a Pre-Arranged Absence Form from the attendance office to have all of their teachers sign. It must be returned to the attendance office prior to the absence.

If a student knows ahead of time that they will be absent (pre-arranged, school excused, etc.), the teacher expects the student to notify them prior and complete as much school work as possible during their absence to keep as current as possible in their class.

Pre-arranged absences are typically a minimum of three days in duration and will not count against attendance credit loss.

Attendance Credit Make-up Options And Procedures:*** Attendance Credit Recovery Options: For all options below, a $15 fee is charged per 25 attendance credit loss, Attendance clas has a $45 fee, with a maximum limit of $90 fee for a student's high school career.

In Weber School District all attendance credit loss over.75 must be made up before graduation and to meet eligibility requirements for athletics, team events, student government, and all other activities in which students represent any WSD High School.

Contact Mandee Clawson, the attendance secretary, to set up your plan. 801-625-1600. All plans must be preapproved through Mrs. Clawson.

In-School Service Hours:

Students who need to make up attendance credit loss (more than .75 overall credit loss), will be required to accomplish in-school service requirements. Every 5 hours of in-school service worked will reinstate .25 attendance credit. In-school service credit will be awarded after necessary fees are paid to the bookkeeper. A $15 fee is charged per .25 attendance credit loss, with a maximum limit of $90 fee for a student's high school career. The receipt for payment of these fees must be attached to the in-school service credit sheet/contract obtained from the school attendance coordinator.

In-School Service Hours Requirements:

To encourage students with attendance issues to "give back" to the school/district, these activities include but are not limited to...cleanup after games/activities, weeding and planting, campus cleanup, building cleanup etc. All service hours done at any school must be done under the supervision and direction of the custodial staff and/or the athletic director. They will sign off on all hours worked.

10 Days:

If a student attends 10 school days in a row, without ANY absences or tardies, they can earn 0.25 attendance credit. The student is responsible for recognizing that they have earned 10 days straight and contacting the attendance secretary to inform her of the 10 days. Once verified and 15$ fee is paid, 25 attendance credit will be restored.

Attendance Credit Recovery Class:

Offered multiple times per quarter. The class will consist of 8 total hours, over a 4 day period and will restore 1.25 of attendance credit loss. ALL four days MUST be attended. $45 fee (Attendance class fee will be applied to the $90.00 maximum). You may take the class as many times as you like.

Clean Quarter:

A student attending one quarter without losing attendance credit for absences/tardies in any class may restore one full previous quarter of attendance credit loss. This make up option may be used more than once. There is no limit to the amount of "clean quarters" that can be earned! Clean quarters must however be earned during the year in which they are used to restore attendance credit loss. Clean quarters cannot be "banked" for future use. The student is responsible for recognizing that they have earned a clean quarter and then contacting the attendance secretary to use their earned clean quarter to restore lost attendance credit. Student must pay fee to bookkeeper and bring reciept to attendance office.